Friday, March 6, 2020

Biology Revision Resources Everything You Need Revise Biology

Biology Revision Resources Everything You Need Revise Biology Let's Get Preparing for A Level Biology Exams. ChaptersStudying for BiologyApps and Podcasts for Revising BiologyBooks to Prepare you for your Biology ExamWebsites to Help with your Biology Examination PreparationYour exams are on the horizon â€" and it is time to start thinking about how you are going to approach your revision. If you are a GCSE student, you will have many subjects fighting for your attention, whilst, A Levellers, you will have to plan your time wisely to balance the subjects upon which you are working. Time-management is the name of the game here.Luckily, we’re here to help out with that by making the whole process a little easier. For every subject, you’ll no doubt be having to track down the right resources for your studies â€" either because you have gaps in your notes or because you are just looking at ways to shake up your revision strategies.This can be a pretty time-consuming activity, as there is a lot of dross to sift through online and in the libraries â€" and you never really know whether the inf ormation these things give is actually worth reading or not.That’s why we’ve put together this little library of great resources to help you with your revision. Whether you’re the sort of old-fashioned kid who likes to learn from books, or someone hip and edgy who is all about the latest apps, we have something for you here. So, listen up.Use lots of different resources for your biology revision.Science and Biology PodcastsPodcasts are a little less innovative in format, because they sort of have to be: they are just audio. This is not to say that they are boring or unhelpful (they are neither), but that you can only really do one thing with them: listen.Whilst there is that, that’s just about the only limitation that they do have. If you like your evolution packed up with fun, your biochemistry very serious, or if you want a no frills lecture with biodiversity or microbiology facts coming straight into your ears, then you’ll find them.The Naked Scientists podcast is a gre at option if you want the former, as these focus on the parts of chemistry, physics, and biology that you might not necessarily find in the classroom. If there were a downside to their podcast for revision, it might be that: they don’t really tailor their content for the exam boards.Look up for a biology tutor  now.Luckily, others do. Try the Letts Biology Audio files or Audiopi’s podcasts for some GCSE revision.Maybe this guy is doing his biology revision!Books to Prepare you for your Biology ExamBooks are the age-old, magisterial source of knowledge, and all these fancy gizmos like apps and websites will never quite dethrone them for their usefulness for revision. And whilst the printed page sort of takes the interactiveness out of studying, you really need to engage with it if you are intending to go anywhere with biology â€" or indeed any subject.Luckily, you have plenty of options, which can be neatly divided into three things here: textbooks, proper books by proper biologi sts that might actually be half interesting, and magazines, which are perfect for dipping into lots of different subjects (because anyone might find it a bit daunting to tackle a whole book on digestive tissues or the cell structure of plants).You can find more information on all of this in our dedicated article on biology books for revision!Your Exam TextbooksDepending on your way of thinking, a biology textbook is either the first port of call in your revision or the very last. The first because it will include everything you need for your biology courses â€" whether A Level, GCSE, or anything else â€" as they are written and endorsed by the examination boards, meaning they direct their content towards the exam. The last because it sort of takes the fun out of science â€" and you can get the information from more interesting sources.Regardless of your point of view, some of the best ones are published by CGP, by Oxford University Press, and by Pearson. Between them, they cover all of the main exam boards â€" and they are guaranteed to have quality content.Biology Books Written by Proper ScientistsThe world of science is loaded with brilliant books that are incredibly accessible for all ages. To get some inspiration, and some insight into the world of biology beyond the classroom, these are a brilliant resource.Where to start? Try with Charles Darwin, the British scientist who 'discovered' evolution, the idea that living organisms, all life on earth, have developed and changed through history due to the conditions of their environment. Or try Richard Dawkins, a popular biologist who continues Darwin’s work today.Otherwise, if you are interested in conservation, try Rachel Carson. If, on the other hand, you have a passion for bacteria, try Ed Yong’s recent book, I Contain Multitudes.If none of these, find something that inspires you yourself!Darwin is one of the most famous scientists ever - and you will study his work in biology.Some Magazines to Develop your Biology Knowledge furtherMagazines offer shorter articles than books â€" meaning they might be a better place to begin for people who want a broader, more accessible view of science â€" and there are many many to choose from.Try the New Scientist for a start. This is a British publication aimed at a popular audience, and it covers lots of different things that will stretch your knowledge beyond high school biology. Some of the articles are really fascinating, so pick up a copy.Websites to Help with your Biology Examination PreparationFinally, we come to websites â€" and there are more websites for revision than anyone could possibly visit in their lives. But the great thing about them is that they can provide different perspectives on the problems with which you might be stuck. And, given the fairly democratic nature of the internet, anyone can contribute their own resources and material. You might find someone’s work a little more accessible or engaging than another's.A grea t place to start for revision is always BBC Bitesize, which provides authoritative information based on the course that you are studying. And S-Cool is a contender for the most trusted revision website out there.If you want to find out more about some of the best places to find revision resources, take a look at our article on options for online biology revision.

Get Online Pre Algebra Tutor

Get Online Pre Algebra Tutor The students of the present era need the help of good teachers who will guide them through all the adversities of education. It is very important for any student to go through the good process of education so that you can easily come up to know what education is all about. Today the parents are mostly busy as they prefer working and due to this, they are unable to find ample amount of time for their child to help them with their education or look after their academic learning properly.The charges for any service are much less than any other online tutoring institute. Online Pre Algebra Tutor can be found easily under the premises of TutorPace as such services are found with ease. Schools carry on with their own work, but every time it is not possible for any school to carry on with every single child. The time and the enthusiasm are never present in a school teacher if they have to take care of a single child every time. Students who are average and strong enough with the regular classes can easily come up with lessons that are taught in the class. But if the students are unable to get what the teacher is telling them to do, then may be the parents can find another alternative for their child. The availability of internet is found in everyone’s life. Today every student can easily access internet as they know the usage as well as the benefit of using it. Internet is a way through which communication can be much larger than any other means of communication. Internet is the easiest way to reach to millions of people with just one click. So, keeping all the benefits in mind, online tutoring process has also been increased. pre algebra Algebra is one of the subjects that are bifurcated from mathematics. It can be said as the topic of mathematics that is tough as well as interesting. The topic revolves around various types of equations and theories. Weak students find it pretty tough as they cannot easily come across with the subject and merge well. You can say this as the newest way of learning. Online tutoring is the best and the easiest way of learning and people can get the most out of it when they avail the services. It is far better than private tutoring. In case of private tutoring, things are entirely different. Private tutors do not have any kind of qualification certificate that they can produce in front of any student. They open up their own firm without any notice or criteria. Parents enroll their child with a hope to get the best possible way to help their children with the studies. But very poorly some of the students perform and this is not because of their lack in studying, but the lack of teacher in teaching them with perfection. They perform badly and thus end up being a weak student who does not have a base over the subject. You can easily come across various online tutoring institutes, but choosing a from the lot is very much important and this is the reason that one should be very cautious about choosing any one. It may take time for you to search the good institute, but we can even help you for that. Before going for any institute you can take a look on the prospectus of the institute that whether the institute have certain features or not. Then only you can choose from any one of them. Some characteristics of online pre algebra tutor Online tutoring institutes those are very reputed bring to you some of the best services that can help the parents as well as the students in lot way possible. There are some characteristics that should be noted down so that an idea can be developed. The first and foremost benefit is that the teachers who are appointed in the online tutoring institutes are very much knowledgeable and also knows how to handle things with ease. They have a good depth over the subject which helps the students to learn a lot. The teacher helps the student to know the subject in depth. This brings in a sense of knowledge regarding the subject and students can easily go through the subject with ease. The interview process of online tutoring institutes is very much tough and candidates those who appear in such interview panel cannot crack it with that ease. The process is tough and thus very few candidates can crack it. This is the reason why students when once enrolled can easily come in contact with one of the best teacher who can help the student to fetch better life with perfection in connection with the subject. The online tutoring institutes have an advantage that they do not have any time period. The online tutoring institute is not at all bound into any kind of time management. Those students who have enrolled themselves in any of such institute can easily come across with the classes. They can attend the classes whenever the student wants. This adds to the extra advantage related with tuition class. The online tutoring institute can help the students whenever possible. Through this the students can attend the classes whenever they want. This saves their time, energy and transportation expenses. The online tutoring institutes have one on one service as well. This is a service in which the students can avail the one on one tutoring service in which weak and shy students are much benefitted. The weak students who are introvert as well cannot open up with their doubts regarding the subject can easily now get their doubts cleared. Tutor Pace is an online tutoring institute that helps in solving your entire problem with ease. The teachers are efficient along with solving all your problems that can bring up in tension. Students can easily learn the subject with the efficient teachers beside you.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Comparatives and Superlatives in English - Easy English Grammar

Comparatives and Superlatives in English - Easy English Grammar In this post you will learn everything you need to know about comparatives and superlatives in English. It also includes 2 video lessons.Comparative and superlative adjectives are used to compare people and things. Comparative adjectives are used to compare two things. We use superlative adjectives in English when we compare three or more things.   Forming Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives There are two basic ways of forming comparatives and superlatives in English.One-syllable and some two-syllable adjectivesIn general one-syllable words and some two-syllable words (those ending in consonant + y and a few others: easier, happiest, narrower, cleverest) take -er, -est endings. Two syllables and three syllables adjectivesMost long adjectives (most two syllables and three syllables) add more, most before the adjective. Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives There are three adjectives with irregular forms: The Olympic motto is “faster, higher, stronger”. TV viewers can watch the excitement of downhill skiing, bobsleigh, speed skating and ski jump. Who will be the fastest skier on the slopes? Which country has the strongest ice hockey team? Which team will win the most gold medals and top the medal table?The French competitor’s ski jump was long.However the Italian athlete’s distance was longer.The German’s jump was the longest and he won the gold medal.The Russian ice hockey team is strong and they stand a good chance of a medal.The USA team is stronger. They beat the Canadians in a recent competition.The Canadian team is the strongest and they should win the gold medal.The Austrian skier is fast.The French skier is faster and should win the silver medal this time.The Swiss skier is the fastest by 5 seconds. He is expected to win an Olympic gold medal.The fastest speed recorded on a bobsleigh track is 125 miles per hour. Germany have a strong bobsleigh team, but experts agree that the United States team is stronger, so they should win the gold medal.Amy Williams won skeleton gold in Vancouver for Britain with a time of 3 minutes 35 seconds. She was the fastest woman in the competition.Who will be the fastest female skier on the slopes?The American skier is quick, but the Austrian competitor is even quicker. She’ll be favourite to win a gold medal.Which athlete will jump furthest in the ski jump? The longest jump was made by a skier from Norway, who broke the world record.The Austrian ski jumper is just 17. She is the youngest athlete in the competition.Use the adjectives in brackets to compare the following:1 mile/1 kilometer (long)ex. 1 mile is longer than 1 kilometer.1. The Eiffel Tower/The Statue of Liberty (tall)2. The Pacific Ocean/The Atlantic Ocean (deep)3. London Heathrow Airport/Amsterdam Schiphol Airport/Dublin Airport (busy) English Comparative and Superlative Adjectives - Video Lesson My English learning videos on YouTube will also help you better understand the rules of Comparatives and Superlatives in English: Two Syllable Adjectives Some of the two-syllable adjectives such as:clevercommonstupidnarrowgentlefriendlysimpletake either -er/-est or more/mostFor example,common commoner commonestORcommon more common most commonBoth options are correct. Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives in English - Video Lesson 2. Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives in English Important Rules of Using Comparative and Superlative Adjectives 1. VERY + adjectiveex. It is very cold today.  2. EVEN / A LOT / MUCH / FAR / A BIT / A LITTLE / SLIGHTLY + comparativeex. He seems much better today.It is slightly warmer outside.3. BY FAR + superlativeex. Shes by the far the most beautiful woman Ive ever seen.4. MOST + adjective = veryex. This is most unusual. (This is very unusual.)5. ANY/NO + comparative  ex. The weather is not getting any warmer.

What Can You Do to Help Your Child Improve His or Her Study Habits

What Can You Do to Help Your Child Improve His or Her Study Habits What Can You Do to Help Your Child Improve His or Her Study Habits? With a new school year underway, its a great time to examine some tactics parents can use to help their child study more effectively. There's no question that successful academic performance is dependent on work outside of the classroom; however, with so many distractions facing todays students, it can be very difficult for them to establish good study habits at home. Luckily, there are strategies parents can employ to facilitate the right environment: Get on your Child's Team: A positive atmosphere will go a long way in facilitating the right environment for your childs studies. If your child has any questions, you should be there to offer constructive advice or tips that he or she can use to solve the problem. Additionally, good effort should be followed by words of encouragement and praise. Create Rewards: A reward can serve as great motivation to get your child excited about studying. Something as simple as having study time before he or she can watch television or go outside to play can be just the incentive necessary to encourage your child to complete his or her studies and homework in a timely manner. Over time, the improved grades and self-confidence may serve as their own rewards. Set up a Study Spot: There are so many distractions in the home, including video games, television, Facebook, siblings, friends and more. It is a good idea to identify a spot in your home where your child can study and be free of these and other distractions. This might take some trial and error. Additionally, a specific daily study time (like right before or right after dinner) is a good idea to establish routine. Speak with your Child's Teacher: If your child isn't doing well in a particular subject, talk to his or her teacher. The teacher might be able to offer study tips, areas requiring more focus and other strategies to help your child make the most out of his or her study time. Sometimes these strategies are not enough. If you feel your child needs extra help with their studies, we encourage you to contact us today. Our tutors not only are skilled in their subject areas of expertise; they are dedicated to helping students get the best grades possible. Whether your child needs ACT test prep to get for ready for college or specific subject tutoring to establish good study habits, our tutors are up for the challenge. Let us help you help your child achieve their best grades through one-on-one instruction and tips, contact The Huntington Learning Center at 1-800-CAN-LEARN.

Back to school survival guide for parents Part 1

Back to school survival guide for parents Part 1 Back to school survival guide for parents Part 1: Readjusting to academic life Going back to school can be just as hard on parents as it is for kids. Some parents are sad to see their little ones go off to school for the day while others are happy they have a bit of time to get things done at home or work. Once school starts, kids will come home with varying levels of homework depending on their age, lots of stories to tell, and perhaps a little bit of stress. Academic life involves more than just getting assignments done; rather its a whole new set of things for parents to manage. Whether their kids need help with homework, communicating with the teacher, or socialization parents have a big job ahead of them while their kids get readjusted back to their academic lifestyle start the school year off right with the help of private Orange County academic tutoring from TutorNerds. 1.   Homework (a lot of homework) One of the biggest complaints parents have in general is that their children have too much homework. They seem to be getting more homework at an earlier age, which leaves less time for families and relaxation after school. It can be difficult to manage this amount of homework, but there are some strategies that are helpful. For instance, students can learn to cut out a fair amount of busy work and study more efficiently. They can also look at setting up a schedule, so they dont get too far behind on compounded assignments such as chapter reading. The more time a child has to get exercise or just rest after school, the more likely they are to be productive overall. 2.   Readjusting to a daily schedule Adjusting back to a daily school schedule takes a little bit of time. Usually, after the first-month kids are used to getting up at a certain time and concentrating during school hours. However, as kids grow, they may need to make minor adjustments in their schedule, so they have time to work on difficult homework assignments or just have a mental break from academics. In many cases, experimenting with different options is the best way to establish a productive routine, especially for older kids in middle or high school. 3.   Socialization Socialization is a big part of being at school, especially if a student is moving up to the first year of middle school. Some kids are social butterflies while others are on the shy side. Either way, its important to chat with kids about their new friends and look out for any instances of bullying. Life in the classroom can be a lot easier if kids have friends who are good role models and who practice kindness. 4.   Stress management These days, stress management is an issue even for younger students. Some of the most common things that cause excess stress include lack of sleep, too much time sitting at a computer, lack of exercise, or not enough down time. If kids have difficulty managing stress they might also need academic help from an in-home tutor or need to talk with their teacher after class to get some study tips. 5. Down time One of the biggest things that kids can do to transition back to the school year is just to get some relaxation time. Perhaps theyre reading their favorite ‘just for fun’ series of novels or maybe they’re hanging out in the backyard with the family pet. Parents also need some down time as they help their kids transition back to school. One of the biggest transitions occurs when students start middle school. There will be a lot more homework at a time when their brains are growing, and emotional levels are high. However, downtime usually helps the adjustment back to the academic From foreign languages to math, our private Orange County tutors have you covered. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

One Students Journey from Kumon to Top University

One Students Journey from Kumon to Top University One Students Journey from Kumon to Top University When aiming to be accepted into an elite business school, you need more than excellent academic grades to help you stand out.  Former Kumon Student, Casey applied to one of the top business schools in the United States and in her essay she eloquently described the impact her Kumon studies had on her. “The experience of working through [Kumon’s] self-learning program at a young age has caused me to stand out amongst my peers in both academic and extracurricular aspects of my life,” said Casey. Casey’s mom enrolled her in the Kumon Math and Reading Program when she was five years old. At the time she was beginning Kumon, she was diagnosed with a speech delay and consequently had difficulty reading. By age seven, she was able to read effortlessly and that began a passion for reading, which led to her finishing the entire Kumon Reading Program when she was 11 years old; a major feat considering the reading program develops critical reading of literature and poetry including Shakespeare. As she entered high school, she realized the value of her efforts as a Kumon Student and how instrumental it was in getting her to the top of her class and becoming a leader in her school. Her Kumon experience has cultivated a strong work ethic that enabled her to excel in academics and track and field while working as an assistant at her local Kumon Center.   She also founded a non-profit organization called Students Taking Action in Response to Troubling Times, which connects fellow students with socially conscious organizations in need of volunteers. Casey graduated as valedictorian from her high school and has been accepted to Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. She recognizes her Kumon Instructor as her inspiration to pursue a field in entrepreneurship. Impressed by the positive impact her Kumon Instructor had on students, Casey has similar business goals where the objective is to enrich the lives of others. You might also be interested in: These Kumon Instructor Brothers Will Do Whatever It Takes To Motivate Their Students This Accomplished Pianist Has an International Journey with Kumon Discovering True Potential: An Early Learner’s Journey through Kumon Kumon Reading Program Completer Motivated by Other Students One Students Journey from Kumon to Top University One Students Journey from Kumon to Top University When aiming to be accepted into an elite business school, you need more than excellent academic grades to help you stand out.  Former Kumon Student, Casey applied to one of the top business schools in the United States and in her essay she eloquently described the impact her Kumon studies had on her. “The experience of working through [Kumon’s] self-learning program at a young age has caused me to stand out amongst my peers in both academic and extracurricular aspects of my life,” said Casey. Casey’s mom enrolled her in the Kumon Math and Reading Program when she was five years old. At the time she was beginning Kumon, she was diagnosed with a speech delay and consequently had difficulty reading. By age seven, she was able to read effortlessly and that began a passion for reading, which led to her finishing the entire Kumon Reading Program when she was 11 years old; a major feat considering the reading program develops critical reading of literature and poetry including Shakespeare. As she entered high school, she realized the value of her efforts as a Kumon Student and how instrumental it was in getting her to the top of her class and becoming a leader in her school. Her Kumon experience has cultivated a strong work ethic that enabled her to excel in academics and track and field while working as an assistant at her local Kumon Center.   She also founded a non-profit organization called Students Taking Action in Response to Troubling Times, which connects fellow students with socially conscious organizations in need of volunteers. Casey graduated as valedictorian from her high school and has been accepted to Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. She recognizes her Kumon Instructor as her inspiration to pursue a field in entrepreneurship. Impressed by the positive impact her Kumon Instructor had on students, Casey has similar business goals where the objective is to enrich the lives of others. You might also be interested in: These Kumon Instructor Brothers Will Do Whatever It Takes To Motivate Their Students This Accomplished Pianist Has an International Journey with Kumon Discovering True Potential: An Early Learner’s Journey through Kumon Kumon Reading Program Completer Motivated by Other Students

Hesperia Unified School District

Hesperia Unified School District Hesperia Unified School District The Hesperia Unified School District is committed to providing quality education to local students. We are proud that the quality of education at Hesperia Unified District Schools continues to rank at the top of other school districts in the area. We are one of the largest employers in the region with 2,496 employees. The Hesperia Unified School District serves over 23,766 K-12 students through 31 schools (including charters). The Hesperia Unified School District covers 161 square miles and provides public education services for kindergarten through senior high school students. We have 12 elementary schools, 3 choice schools, 3 middle schools, 3 comprehensive high schools, 2 continuation high schools, 2 alternative schools, 1 adult education school, and 5 charter schools. Our 967 teachers are some of the finest in the area. They strive for passion, innovation, and classroom engagement. Mission: Preparing Todays Students for Tomorrows World Vision: Provide students with 21st Century Skills: Continue to develop, implement, and evaluate a quality educational program that supports academic excellence, closes student achievement gaps and advances to college and career ready options. HUSD will assure our students benefit from comprehensive, high-quality instruction View our Brochure